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Cloud Services

Cloud Based Solutions

Cloud speeds up business and increases sales opportunities but it presents its own challenges.

Office 365

Work from anywhere, on your preferred device, using a familiar interface and with the full power of Office apps.

Hosted VoIP

Connect your VoIP phone unit to the internet, anywhere in the world without changing your phone number. Simply plug and play.

Cloud Backup

Is your data safe? Store it in the Cloud using Cloud Backup at very competitive prices.

Disaster Recovery

Lost, stolen or damaged? Secure your computer or server now. Don’t leave it until disaster has struck.
What is a cloud service?

A cloud service is any resource that is provided over the Internet: cloud services are the same thing as Web services. They are designed to provide easy, scaleable access to applications, resources and services, and are fully managed by a cloud services provider.

Examples of cloud services include online data storage and backup solutions, Web-based e-mail services, hosted office suites and document collaboration services, database processing, VoIP services, managed technical support services and more.

Benefits such as flexibility, disaster recovery, automatic software updates, increased collaboration, better document control, high security, environmental friendliness and the absence of capital expenditure make cloud services particularly attractive, but not all of them are totally secure so it’s as well to have help from people who know what they’re doing.